SchoolNet webinars this week

These are our SchoolNet webinars for this week – both short and sweet! Do join us if you can.

(1) Please join us in an Adobe Connect Meeting.

Meeting Name:  Get to know Google +
Summary: This webinar introduces you to Google+ and how to use it.
Presenter: Fiona Beal (
When:  Tuesday 20 November 6:00 PM – 6:15 PM (15 mins)
Time Zone:  (GMT+02:00) Harare, Pretoria

(2) Please join us in an Adobe Connect Meeting.
Meeting Name:  Popplet in the classroom
Summary: This webinar features the lovely mindmapping/sticky-note/collaboration application
Popplet ( with which you can do much.
Presenter: Michelle Botha from Somerset House in Somerset West.
Invited By: Fiona Beal (
When:  Thursday 22 November 6:00 PM – 6:15 PM (15 mins)
Time Zone:  (GMT+02:00) Harare, Pretoria

The recordings will be placed on the blog the day after the webinar. 

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