SeeSaw – a great place for student driven portfolios. Why not get started today?

SeeSaw is a free application I really want to explore in
2016. Anthony Egbers demonstrated See Saw
 ,  in a Demoslam presentation at the Google
Summit in 2015 in Cape Town, South Africa. Ever since then I have been planning
to try out SeeSaw.  It is available via
a browser or via iOS and Android.

What exactly is

SeeSaw enables to to create and host Student Driven Digital Portfolios. This is what the SeeSaw website
says: “SeeSaw empowers students of any age to independently document what they
are learning at school. They capture learning with photos and videos of their
work, or by adding digital creations. Everything gets organized in one place
and is accessible to teachers from any device. Student work can be shared with
classmates, parents, or published to a class blog. Seesaw gives students a real
audience for their work and offers parents a personalized window into their
child’s learning

More details about

1. See Saw is a student driven digital portfolio

2. Students document learning through photos videos,
drawings, text notes, links and PDFs. SeeSaw also supports importing from many
other apps.

Student work is uploaded, organised and available to teachers from any device
or computer

4.  Teachers are
always in control. Student work must be approved.

Optionally teachers can invite parents to SeeSaw. Parents see only their own
child’s work.

SeeSaw is also available on Android and Apple devices. Download seesaw in the
itunes or Google Play store.

How does SeeSaw work?

1. Create your account and choose
A Sign in Mode for Your Students.

When you do this you need to decide how your students
will sign in. Once this option has been chosen it cannot be changed.  Here is the Sign In comparison chart:

2. Make your decision about student sign in

I am opting for the email address option although I have to confess they really
struggle to remember their accounts. I am thinking of ways to overcoming this!
SeeSaw tries to help – I have opted for YES!

 I am planning to used See Saw with my ICT classes this year.

3. The class is set up

So now the class is set up and the first time they join they
will use a join code. Instructions are provided as to how this will work.

The Join Code is only valid 15 minutes so I will have to use
it on the day! Oh dear I hope it will work with all my classes! We’ll have to

4. Looking around the dashboard

  • The first block is the class list from when the students
    sign in.
  • The middle block shows a calendar.
  • The third block enables you to create a class blog.

Richard Byrne wrote a blogpost today about this blogging
feature. ‘SeeSaw  Now Offers a Simple
& Safe Blogging Platform for Kids’
 He says, “Now you can create a classroom
blog within your SeeSaw account. Students can write original blog posts and or
import items from their digital portfolios to display as blog posts. SeeSaw
blogs can be public or you can password protect them. As a teacher you can
moderate what your students post before it goes live on your SeeSaw blog.” He points to the video SeeSaw uploaded today.Seesaw Blogs: How to Create and Post to a Seesaw Blog’

This is SO exciting! After watching the 3min video I went to
the blog example shown to see if it was live and it was. Great!

This application, SeeSaw,  sounds like something REALLY great to do in a classroom to display students’work and also share students’ work easily and individually with parents. Once I have got this all sorted at school I will update this
post with a second post!

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