SchoolNet has provided a number of free online courses in technology integration this year mainly aimed at its premium members (a free membership to South African teachers). We are pleased to announce the next two short, online courses for August and September 2012, and invite you to sign up for the August course via the Google forms. These short courses are supported by weekly optional 30 minute webinars, and offer a certificate of Completion when completed.
1. ‘Technify your classroom’ free online course (August 2012)
Course content:
This course is aimed at
teachers who would like to use more web tools in their teaching even if they only
have one computer in the classroom – their own. The aim is to introduce a
choice of three interesting and useful webtools every week (two via the course
blog and one via a webinar). The course requirement is that participants try
out and share with the group at least two of the tools they have created during
the course. The twelve tools that are presented will be from the following
Week 1: Mindmapping tools, Podcasting tools,
Photosharing tools,
Week 2: Screencasting tools, Curating tools, Classroom Management tools
Week 3: Video creation tools, Presentation tools, Document sharing tools
Week 4: Vocabulary tools, Review games, Backchannelling tools,
If you are a South African teacher and would like to sign up for this free course, please click on the link below to be taken to the sign up page. You will then be sent an email directing you to the online course platform just before the start of the course. The course starts officially on 6 August but it is the type of course where you can easily catch up. The course is supported by ‘how to’ webinars.
Sign up
Sign up for the ‘Technify your classroom’ course here
2. ‘Introduce your students to digital writing’ free online course (September 2012)
This will be a four week course for Schoolnet Premium Members offered during September focusing on the different tools that can be used for digital writing, and how they can enhance a classroom experience. The course is supported by ‘how to’ webinars.
Course content and sign up: Watch this space