South African teachers please follow the Microsoft Global Skype-a-thon on Dec 3 and Dec 4 2015 – hashtag #skypathon


A message from Microsoft South Africa

”At Microsoft, we believe a powerful way to learn is from each other.  That’s why we are hosting an event to empower students and educators around the globe to do just that. We will hosting a  Global Skype-a-Thon on December 3rd and 4th to celebrate learning without borders by hoping to reach a goal of one million virtual miles travelled in 48 hours.


Everyone who participates in the Skype-a-thon will share their “travels” in a fun and creative way on Dec 3rd and 4th via social and contribute to our goal of reaching one million virtual miles travelled. We’ll track our progress using the hashtag #skypeathon through an online global mileage tracker that will appear on the Microsoft Educator Community site across the two days.  There are an number of schools from around the world who are participating in this event. In Africa, there are two schools involved: one from Kenya, and the other one from Egypt in addition to our South African school:

South Africa’s participating school

  • Brescia House. Johannesburg
  • Date: 03 December
  • Time: 9:00
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