Spotlight on NM Tsuene Secondary School

NM Tsuene Secondary School is a small school nestled in Ga-Rankuwa unit 3. The school is part of the Telkom connected schools project and it stands out because teachers at the school are keen on learning and are very positive towards using technologies in the classroom for teaching and learning.

The principal at the school Mr Nicholas Matshele is a hands-on principal who also teaches Grade 12 Life Sciences. Mr Matshele admits that he may not have the best administration skills however he believes that his passion for teaching sets him apart from other school principals and helps him to understand the daily challenges that his teachers face in the classroom.

He says, “I love a peaceful environment where there are no ego-related issues”. At NM Tsuene staff are united in ensuring learners pass – even if this requires sacrifice at times. Mr Matshele belives in supporting his staff as when people are supported they feel important which makes working together (and running a school) an easier task.

Staff members at NM Tsuene are growing in leaps and bounds especially since some of the training interventions they have received from SchoolNet SA. Mr Matshele attests that he has seen a remarkable change in some of his staff members, with some teachers showing leadership skills that he didn’t know existed in his school, and others having the opportunity to identify their talents and start using them. This is yet another milestone because it means that Mr Matshele can now delegate some of his work to teachers if the SMT members are not available.

During the Change Leadership for Technology Integration training, NM Tsuene’s SMT was tasked with reviewing their school vision and after much deliberation the team decided to create a new vision which would symbolise a change in how they would now teach and learn.

The schools updated vision is:


Mr Matshele explained that the vision in essence means that, “the wings of change have influenced this new vision. We can’t delay the institution by running things the old way.”

SchoolNet SA is proud to be associated with NM Tsuene and we have enjoyed working with Mr Matshele and other staff at the school. We look forward to helping this school achieve its vision.

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