TeachMeet at Elkanah House in Cape Town this Saturday 2nd November.

There’s going to be a TeachMeet at Elkanah House this coming Saturday from 10-12 and you are invited! Come as a Keen Bean   (presenter) or an Enthusiastic Lurker (participant). These TeachMeets ar always wonderful and I learn so much.

Linda Foulkes who is organising the TeachMeet says on Facebook ‘We have a wonderful line up of Keen Beans for the upcoming TeachMeet@Elkanah on the 2 November – don’t forget to sign up – just fill out this form to join us!http://goo.gl/xQmie3


Blogpost reportback about the previous Elkanah House TeachMeets

A report back on the TeachMeet at Elkanah House on 8th June (from Linda Foulkes)

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