Technology Use in the Classroom = A Massive Opportunity for Language Gains

Submitted by Janet Thomson CEO of SchoolNet SA

This is an extract from a recent learning brief conducted over the past three years which has tracked the development of two cohorts of Foundation Phase learners.

The purpose of this learning brief is to share the findings of
the research conducted over the past three years which has tracked the
development of two cohorts of Foundation Phase learners. These learners have
experienced a technology-enabled, play-infused learning environment from Grade
R and while five foundational literacies have been assessed each year, this
learning brief focused only on the acquisition of oral English skills. First,
we will discuss language acquisition and describe the assessment methodology;
then we will present the data comparing the development of English oral skills
through acquisition in our project and control groups of learners; and to
conclude we will summarise the findings from the data, raise further questions
and discuss the unexpectedly large opportunity our research has shown for
acquisition of English skills through the use of technology in the classroom.

Please read the full report of this very interesting learning brief on our website   

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