The 2nd annual EdTechTeam South Africa Summit featuring Google in Education July3/4 – still time to register…

SchoolNet SA is very pleased to be joining with Dainfern College in hosting the second annual EdTechTeam South Africa Summit featuring Google in Education at Dainfern College in Johannesburg on July 3 & 4, 2014. This Summit will not be the same as last time since Google is ever on the move! Visit the Summit website to see what is on offer.

A new exciting offer from the EdTech team to still get the early bird rate
If you haven’t yet registered and you still want to attend, take a look at this image and follow the instructions! This is a LIMITED special so you need to act soon!


There are now five international speakers

There are now five international speakers, three of them new to South Africa. They each bring their own flavour of working with Google. The latest addition to the International presenter team  is not up on the website yet but his name is Jay Atwood from Singapore. If you attended the first Google Summit in Cape Town last year you’ll agree that our featured speakers are some of the world’s best!


Pre-Conference workshops
You’ll notice on the website that a new workshop has been added – The Google Educator Workshop. The pre-conference workshops have their own pricing.

An unbeatable programme is on offer

If you go to you’ll see the exciting programme. There is SO much to choose from

Jim Sill – Featured Speaker

Reckless Creativity
Maps Engine Lite for the Classroom
Google Views – Taking It To The Streets
Playlists – Curating Youtube

Molly Schroeder – Featured Speaker

Anytime, Anywhere Learning with YouTube and Forms
Google Scripts and Add Ons – FormEmailer, Autocrat, Doctopus and Goobric
Personalize Chrome and Google Drive to Maximize Learning
Best Practices in a Paperless Classroom

Wendy Gorton– Featured Speaker
Your Safe Space: 60 Minutes w/ Beginner Google Drive
Level Up! Google Certified Teacher and Education Trainer Best Practices Panel
Stamp Your Google Passport: Maps, Tours, Cultural Institute, and More!
Read, Write, Doc! Enhancing the Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop with Google Docs, Presentations, Forms, and Spreadsheets

Jay Atwood – Featured Speaker
Automagical Differentiation and Adaptive Instruction
Google Classroom Playground
Get Geeky with Formative Assessment & Personalized Feedback
Closing keynote

Tim Lee – Featured Speaker

What is on your GAFE Admin Toolbelt?

Google Apps Admin Console Best Practices for Schools

Chromebooks under the Hood

Game of Chromes

Karen Walstra – Googler

Google in the classroom
Using Games to inspire learning
YouTube for school
Using Google’s Moonshot thinking to inspire your teaching and learning!

Julius Olubodun
The Guide to Going Google- Deploying Google Apps at your School
• Gearing Up with Google Spreadsheets Tips and Tricks

Gaye Pieterse
Google forms & Flubaroo

Maggie Verster

Chicken-egg app strategies

Michele Botha

Sizzling Statistics
Gear up with Google
Forms Frills and Flubaroo

Sean Hampton-Cole

Using Google to Make Kids Smarter

Glenn Jones 

Going Paperless – Multiple Choice quizzes with Flubaroo ScriptGoing Paperless – Using Mobile Devices and Google Apps Scripts – Part 1

Tal Slome

Google Apps for Education on the iPad

Siobhan Thatcher

Chromebooks: liberating or limiting?

Arthur Preston

Personal, Professional, Powerful
Time-Saving Tips and Tricks
Appy Days – Using Chrome Apps In Your Classroom

Tiaan Lotter

Augmented Reality and other apps to make your lessons interactive

Fiona Beal

Digital storytelling in the classroom – the Google way

Tracy Tschohl

Getting Going with Google Search: Research in Grades 1-7

Helen Robertson

The Gamified Classroom

So hurry, hurry and register for the EdTechTeam’s Summit featuring Google in Education.

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