The African Storybook project is promoting some of their lovely, online Foundation Phase stories

These are lovely stories that are beautifully illustrated that you can use in your reading lessons.

“The hare is a popular and clever character who pops up in many traditional (and modern) stories. This month we showcase some of the tales we have on the website about the hare, and especially about the mean tricks he plays on other animals. (Although surely nothing is worse than the joke Rooster plays on Hare!) We hope you’ll be inspired to translate and share the stories, and also to add your own stories about the adventures of this character. Special thanks to Little Zebra Books for their donations and translations”. (Quoted from the African Storybook project newsflash August 5th)

Story Title

Hare and Elephant

Hare and Hyena

Friends become enemies 

(Hare and Hyena again)

Lion is sick (Hare and Lion)

Animals dig a well 

(Hare and all the other animals)

Why hippos have no hair 

(Hare and Hippo)

Hare and Tortoise (Again!)

Rooster and Hare

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