The Computer Olympiad’s talent search for 2016 has opened…

The Computer Olympiad ( has announced its new talent search for 2016. This is a great free contest for schools to consider.


Talent Search is a free contest to develop Computational Thinking; the kind of skill you need to take IT, CAT, Maths and Science.  At the same time it will identify learners with potential.  That is why many schools use it for subject selection. Entry is free – all the costs are paid by sponsors.


Apart from being a valuable exercise to develop Computational Thinking, the results are used in the following ways:

  • Grades 6 and 7: Learners who do well are encouraged to apply for high schools that offer IT, CAT, Maths and Science. Certificates can be included in the application. 
  • Grades 8 and 9: Learners who do well should consider IT, CAT, Maths and Science as subject choices for Grade 10. Some schools use the Talent Search mark in the formula for subject selection 
  • Grade 10 to 12: Learners who do well should consider further studies or careers involving Maths, Science, IT and CAT. 

 3.           DIFFERENT GRADES

The contest is available in English and Afrikaans, online and a pen-and-paper version.  There are four age levels:

  • Junior (Grades 6 and 7)
  • Intermediate (Grades 8 and 9)
  • Senior (Grades 10 and 11)
  • Elite (Grade 12 and higher)

4.           ADVANTAGES

  • No marking at all if using the online version.
  • Simple, quick marking when using the off-line version.
  • A comprehensive, illustrated guide issued after the event will give the correct solutions, how to reach the solutions and how this process is related to Computational Thinking
  • Learners who achieve better than average will receive certificates to add to their CVs.

5.           TIME AND DATE

The contest itself is 45 minutes and can be done any time in the week from Monday 7 March to Friday 11 March (both dates inclusive).

6.           REGISTRATION

Registration is free.  Schools can register directly at

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