Here is an EXCITING message from Kahoot. If you live in Cape Town you don’t want to miss this. Kahoot is a game-based classroom response system
As of today we have 30 million Kahoot!-users around the world. I am in Cape Town doing research for Kahoot and would like to meet with teachers, students and others who are interested in the use of technology in education.
Kahoot is a free online tool, it is a writing tool that allows you to create a quiz or poll for educational use. When playing Kahoot, a quiz is shown on a main screen in front of the classroom and the players give their answers individually or in groups through their own device (a phone, tablet or laptop). It is easy to operate and creates great user-experiences for learners of all ages. As a teacher you can make a quiz, find a quiz on the Kahoot-page or have your students explore their learning content and create an engaging quiz for their classmates. It´s an effective and fun way of learning!
This short video (made by one of our users) explains the concept of Kahoot:
Kahoot collaborates with the South-African project, The Global Classroom Project, led by Steve Sherman (also known from Living Maths). The Global Classroom brings together students and teachers from different parts of the world through the use of internet (shared classrooms in Google Hangout or Skype). In the coming week (13th-17th of April) we will run a few classes with Steve Sherman and his students, testing the use of Kahoot as part of a Global Classroom. We have time to do a couple of more meetings while we are here.
It would be great to meet with you or a teacher at your school, come into a class, play a Kahoot and talk to students about the use of technology in education, meet a number of students during recess (maybe you have some that are particularly interested in technology or games who would enjoy talking to us?) or maybe we can exchange ideas in another way?
I hope to hear from you! Thank you!
Best regards,
Kaja Swensen
Cell phone in South Africa: +27 74 018 3902
Kahoot! -A game-based classroom response system