Using to summarise a tweetchat from #edchatsa

Submitted by Fiona Beal

#edchatsa is the hashtag for our weekly twitter chat for South African teachers on topics of educational interest. These chats take place on a Monday evening from 8:30pm – 9:30pm. This blogpost aims to show you how I went about summarising a chat using

Today curating is the buzz word with many amazing sites available to do just that. Storify is a form of curating – one can gather tweets, comments, videos, images and other media from all around the Web and put them into one post. Basically it is a way of creating stories using social media. I thought I would try out Storify today to see how it all works. I decided to use it to summarise our last #edchatsa talk on 25th June 2012 from 8:30 – 9:30pm, namely: 

‘How can we ensure fair assessment in collaborative learning when not every child contributes equally?’

At first it took a while to get my head around Storify, and then suddenly I realised how very easy it actually is!

Step 1: Open and join

Once you have joined you click on Create story. A lovely big screen for writing opens up.


Step 2: Find your media

On the right hand side of the big screen is another section that contains the place to find your media.



Since I was keen to summarise a Twitter chat I asked for the Twitter hashtag #edchatsa and then searched for the date and the time I wanted to refer to



Step 3: Plan the structure of your story

There are different blocks to use in Storify, so in my case I decided on:

  • A heading
  • Putting the story in context
  • An opening summary
  • How the discussion progressed with relevant headings
  • Actual notable tweets that shed light on the discussion
  • Some of the sites and links provided in the chat
  • Possibly plan of action ideas
  • Embed a final summary of tweets made in a different Storify document from earliest to latest as the last entry on the document

From here on it was a case of writing and then dragging across tweets from the #edchatsa hashtag I had opened in the right hand section of Storify.

Step 4: Create and publish your story

A lovely story emerged! Take a look…


If you would like to see the finished result please open this link.

If you would like to read all the tweets separately here is the link:

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