Submitted by Megan Rademeyer
To date almost 3 000 people have received training at a Vodacom ICT Resource Centre including those who have attended Intel Getting Started, Microsoft ICT Skills for Teachers or Sizanani ICT Skills for Community members courses offered by trainers trained by SchoolNet SA.
Vodacom Centre Managers trained in setting up a blog and starting a TeachMeet
In October 2013 the managers of the Vodacom ICT Resource Centres learnt new skills to share with teachers in their communities who use the centres. They participated in a webinar series on how to set up and manage a blog as well as a session on how to run a TeachMeet. If you live near a Vodacom ICT Resource Centre look out for your Centre’s TeachMeet and consider being a “keen-bean” who shares an idea for using ICT in the classroom or attending as an “enthusiastic lurker” who attends a TeachMeet to learn from others. We are sure that the Vodacom ICT Resource Centre Managers will use the TeachMeets as an opportunity to pass on some of the tools and tricks they learnt about at the SchoolNet ICT in the Classroom conference and that local teachers will share some of their engaging learning activities that make use of technology.
TeachMeet webinar presentation and recording
Recently Megan Rademeyer of SchoolNet presented a webinar on TeachMeets to the Vodacom Centre Managers.
Here is the presentation:
2013 what is a teach meet – schoolnet sa from Schoolnet SA
Here is a copy of the recording if you would like to listen to it.
To find out more about what is happening at the Vodacom ICT Resource Centres, visit: