On Thursday afternoon 16 April 2015 at 3.15pm we held a very informative SchoolNet webinar entitled ‘How to use Windows Live Movie Maker to cimpolify the content of a lesson’ which was presented by Phuti Ragophala a #MIEExpert from South Africa. Windows Live Movie Maker is a free resource from Microsoft that can be used to drive the lesson in class. This tool could be free on your PC or laptop. If not it can be downloaded free of charge from the Microsoft Educator’s Network. (We encourage you to join this amazing network with all its free resources and offerings.)
The Webinar description
Phuti gave us some ideas on using Windows Live Movie Maker in the classroom to narrate the lesson, summarize the lesson, sing the lesson, converse about the lesson and rap the lesson. She used four videos in the session as well as her presentation. Unfortunately viewers couldn’t hear the videos so Phuti talked us through them. I have added the videos below since they are available on YouTube.
The webinar presentation
Here is the downloadable presentation from Phuti which is available online in SlideShare at this link:http://goo.gl/HC4qje
The webinar recording
The webinar recording can be listened to on the following two links (unfortunately there was a break in the recording so please listen to the first one and then the second one):
1) http://meet78641452.adobeconnect.com/p5jmehwfopw/ (2 mins)
2) http://meet78641452.adobeconnect.com/p6g8epp2n9y/ (25 mins)
The YouTube videos that accompanied the webinar
1. A poem to Phuti Ragophala by Grade 7 learners
This poem was created during their medicinal herb making project
2. Techno reading project from Pula Madibogo Primary School in Limpopo South Africa
This was a skype literacy project.
3. Today’s learners! Tomorrow’s great thinkers and scientists
This video is summary of their food production project.
4. Planting seeds! Changing lives!
This video is a song about planting seeds
5. My Movie Maker on EMS presentation by Lerato Komanahttp://youtu.be/s8iyOfN7rMU
This was a presentation and narration by one of Phuti’s students
SchoolNet South Africa provides a short, free webinar on most Thursday afternoons during the school term.