Webinar recording and downloadable presentations from SchoolNet’s free webinar on Thursday 7th May at 3:15pm ‘Microsoft Teacher Exchange report back’ by four of our #MIEExpert15 teachers who recently returned from Redmond, Washington


On Thursday afternoon 7th May 2015 at 3:15pm we held a webinar  presented by four of Microsoft’s South African MIEExpert teachers.  

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From left to right: Mabore Lekalakala educator at Toronto Primary School in Polokwane,
Linda Foulkes educator previously from Elkanah House High School in Cape Town,
Warren Sparrow educator at Rondebosch Boys’ Preparatory School in Cape Town
& Mokhudu Machaba educator from 
Ngwanamago Primary in Polokwane.

The Webinar description

The four teachers from South Africa, shown below, joined 300 Microsoft Innovative Educator (MIE) Experts and Student Ambassadors from around the world at Microsoft’s E2 Global Educator Exchange event. which took place from April 29 to May 1 in Redmond, Washington (USA) at Microsoft’s headquarters. All the  teachers who attended the event were selected from those who participated in the yearly Microsoft Innovative Teacher competition held all over the world every year.  During the event in Redmond they were exposed to a week of amazing speakers and collaborative projects using different Microsoft products. They shared many experiences with their peers on how to integrate technology and education in ways that improve learning outcomes and equip students for the world of work. In the webinar they each shared some of their highlights with us – a truly amazing week! ( Prior to this event a different four teachers from South Africa attended a similar Microsoft Global Forum in Dubai in February this year. In South Africa the Microsoft Innovative Teacher competition is facilitated by SchoolNet. )

The webinar presentations

Here are the downloadable presentations from the three presenters available online in SlideShare:

Warren Sparrow

My Microsoft E2 Global Educator Exchange reflection by Warren Sparrow from Schoolnet SA

Linda Foulkes

My E2 moments from the Microsoft Global Educator Exchange in Redmond, Washington 2015 by Linda Foulkes from Schoolnet SA

Mabore Lekalaka

My Microsoft E2 Global Educator Exchange reflection by Mabore Lekalakala from Schoolnet SA

The webinar recording

The webinar recording can be listened to on the following link: http://meet78641452.adobeconnect.com/p2yr1x2f2sm/

SchoolNet South Africa provides a short, free webinar on most Thursday afternoons during the school term.

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