Webinar recording and presentation download link ‘Digital storytelling as a means to encourage students to write’ by Fiona Beal

On Thursday 28th September at 3:15pm we held a free SchoolNet webinar which was presented by Fiona Beal a teacher, writer and ICT trainer from Cape Town. The webinar was entitled ‘Digital storytelling as a means to encourage students to write’

Webinar description

Fiona says: ‘The world is changing. The way we write is changing! This is where digital storytelling comes in. Digital storytelling is a great way to give your students a creative way to tell their stories, and to get them to see the stories all around them in everyday life. In this webinar we will look at an overview of digital storytelling including how the Internet is changing writing. We’ll look at some key resources as well as useful free storytelling tools that one can use. Lastly we’ll discuss some simple ways of introducing digital storytelling in your classroom as well as some more advanced methods of creating a digital story. Perhaps you can share an idea or two of how you use digital storytelling in the classroom or in your life, if you attend this webinar?’

The downloadable webinar presentation

Here is the downloadable presentation from the webinar available online in SlideShare from this link:

Digital storytelling as a way of encouraging writing – by Fiona Beal from Schoolnet SA

Webinar recording

The webinar recording can be listened to and viewed on the following YouTube link: (still to be added)

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