Webinar recording from Thurs 5th March 3:15pm ‘Making the most of Office Plugins’ by #MIEExpert Linda Foulkes


On Thursday afternoon 5th March 2015 at 3.15pm we held a SchoolNet webinar entitled ‘Making the most of Microsoft Office Plugins’. This was presented by a South African #MIEExpert15 Linda Foulkes who taught at Elkanah House High School last year but was snapped up by NetLearn in South Africa to encourage High School students to participate in the Microsoft MOS Certifications. Linda is very knowledgeable about Microsoft technologies in the classroom as you will hear from her webinars. She will soon be attending the Global Forum in Redmond Washington.

The webinar description

Would you like to know more about Office Plugins such as creating timelines within PowerPoint? Plug-Ins are often overlooked by many when using Office. This webinar will highlight a few free “not to be missed” educational plug-ins, (including Timelines but many others as well) to enhance and captivate your students attention making learning and teaching a bunch of fun. Linda will show us how to add these useful Office plug-ins into your Office applications and you’ll learn how to use each tool.

The webinar presentation

Here is the downloadable presentation from Linda which is available online in Slideshare at this link: http://goo.gl/9jwDKI

Apps for Office – a look at Office Plug-ins by Linda Foulkes from Schoolnet SA

The webinar recording

The webinar recording can be listened to on the following link: http://meet78641452.adobeconnect.com/p4ir8alktmn/

SchoolNet South Africa provides a short, free webinar on most Thursday afternoons during the school term.

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