Webinar recording: Let’s explore Google Chrome and its extensions (05/03/2013)

Google Chrome is definitely a fascinating and very user-friendly browser.  Some of the things I love about using it are:

  • You can easily create many different profiles for Chrome so that each email address you have uses its own profile.
  • The URL bar is called an Omnibox because you can search from it just as if you were operating in Google Search. 
  • One can paste all sorts of bookmarklets in the bookmarks bar. i.e. Pin it for Pinterest, ‘Scoop.it’ for Scoop.it etc.
  • There are so many wonderful time-saving extensions to add to the top right portion of the browser.
  • There are many applications that one can install on to the Google Search page for quick access.

Webinar recording

Last night’s webinar which supported our current onlne course ‘Google for Professional Development’ was called ‘Let’s explore Google Chrome and its extensions’. Here is the recording link.

Webinar presentation

This is the webinar presentation on SlideShare.

Google chrome from Fiona Beal

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