What’s happening at the Teacher Centres around the country?

In August 2015, 131 delegates from teacher centres around South Africa attended the Teacher Centre Managers workshop in Johannesburg with an intention of “Building Functional Teacher Centres and Competent Centre Managers to Support Quality Learning and Teaching”.  Over the past three  months, SchoolNet SA staff have visited twenty seven Teacher Centres across all nine provinces to see if the centre managers were putting into action what they had learnt and to see first-hand what both their challenges and successes have been. It has been heart-warming to see what some centre managers have achieved despite having little in the way of resources. Accolades also go to the Vodacom Foundation whose generous donation of IT equipment for a number of teacher centres has had a huge impact on the training and facilities that can be offered to teachers and community members in some communities. Whilst it would have been very difficult to visit every teacher centre, those that were visited have given us a good sense of what is happening generally in teacher centres across the country; what is working well; and what still needs to be improved upon.


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