Why not become a ‘curator’ with Scoop.it and create your own online magazine?

You have probably heard the word ‘curator’ being bandied around? ‘Curating’ is one of the latest buzzwords and that is what Scoop.it does. (I haven’t yet investigated Paper.li but it could be similar). So, what happens is you join Scoop.it (http://www.scoopit.com) and choose a topic you would like information about. 


what is scoopit


Scoop.it then crawls the Internet searching for articles based on the keywords you have given to your search topic.  You then curate by choosing which articles you would like to use in your magazine, and Scoop.it forms it into an attractive easy-to-read online magazine. 


What I LOVE about Scoop.it is that you can also follow topics that interest you. I follow 34 topics that interest me and Scoop.it keeps me informed in much the same way – a magazine type format for me to page through at leisure. Marvelous! When reading a Scoop.it all you do is click on a block and  it takes you to the original artecle.


So for example… this is how Scoop.it keeps me informed about the latest on my topics of choice.



In case you would like to know all the steps on how to work with Scoop.it please view my Slideshare.

Come ‘Scoop’ with me – Fiona Beal

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