Why not turn your tweets into a digital newspaper!

Submitted by Fiona Beal

Today I was reading an article called ‘3 tools to turn your tweets into a newspaper’. http://goo.gl/aWHMd. I have already experimented with one of the tools mentioned, Paper.li, and created one called ‘Fiona’s Technology Times’ which is a collection of tweets from people who I follow in the form of a weekly newspaper. In the process of doing that I created a Paper.li blogpost for the Schoolnet blog ‘Curating with Paper.li’. Today I thought I would create a different kind of weekly newspaper for SchoolNet with mainly SchoolNet tweets featuring on it. Let’s get started…

Join Paper.li and sign in

Paper.li is a free curation tool that takes Twitter etc links from the people you follow on Twitter, and it organizes those links into a virtual paper for easy reading on a daily or weekly basis.   What happens is that you tell Paper.li which sources to use. After you have signed in you will be asked to Start your paper. I chose Custom paper.


From then on it is very much a case of following the prompts. When it came to choosing sources I just added two – SchoolNet’s tweets and the tweets from the weekly South African chat for teachers #edchatsa started by Arthur Preston of Elkanah House in Cape Town.

Background photo

The idea of having a background photo came from Linda Lindsay from Hawaii who was with us on the Google Teacher Academy, New York last year in October. She started a Paper.li called #GTANY Daily with tweets from those of us that attended the Academy. You can read her current one at  http://paper.li/mauilibrarian2/1354660613. Linda got her background photo right but I am still experimenting! Here is an image from Linda’s Paper.Li

#GTANY Daily

The SchoolNet Weekly Times is created

Well, here is the finished result. The photo part is still to be worked on – but I think a newspaper like this is a great way to summarise one’s weekly tweets. If you would like to see our first edition of the SchoolNetSA Weekly Times here is the link: 

http://paper.li/SchoolNetSA/1358329701.  Enjoy the read

The SchoolNet SAWeekly Times

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