WordPress #1 Useful, simple tutorials on how to create a WordPress website


Recently I thought it would be very useful to know how to create a simple WordPress website since this is a very popular website option currently. I was also keen to know what the difference is between creating a WordPress website and a WordPress blog. The best way to learn really is to plunge right in a create something so I did that as part of the learning process. I really enjoyed these short presentations from ne of the Internet sites I visited.  

Making a WordPress website using a hosted platform

It seems that there is that you can create a website that is hosted by WordPress itself – but I have to look into all that. But generally, for a website,  you would go for a hosted platform where you can add your own domain name and choose your own website size.  These videos shown below were created with hosting on a particular platform in mind but the process is the same and the presenter, Paul, is excellent and easy to follow. The process is presented in seven short, easy to follow videos. What I like about this series is that the presenter has created a simple website and he shows how he went about it step-by-step.

Video 1: How to Use WordPress (1 of 7) – Introduction 

(2m 12)

This is a short simple video that does a great job of explaining about creating a WordPress website. and getting one started on the journey.


Video 2: How to Use WordPress (2 of 7) – Installing WordPress on yourBluehost Account

(3m 41)

Video 2 is about installing WordPress on a particular hosted server so I won’t add that for now but it can be found at:

Video 3: How to Use WordPress (3 of 7) – Changing Themes and Appearance
(7m 59)

In this video Paul explains how to change the appearance, or overall look and feel of your website, by selecting, installing, and activating different themes. He starts creating an example website by changing the header image and site title.


Video 4: How to Use WordPress (4 of 7) – Creating a Static Page (4m 57)

In this video Paul shows how to create a static webpage, which is perfect for an ‘about us’ page, contact information, business hours and location, etc… He reveals the trick of how to remove comments from the page!


Video 5: How to Use WordPress (5 of 7) – Create a Page for Blog Posts
(7m 39)

In this video Paul shows how to create dynamic content in the form of a blog page on the website.



Video 6: How to Use WordPress (6 of 7) – Create & Upload a Photo Gallery

(6m 47)

In this video Paul shows how easy it is to create, manage, and upload a photo gallery to your website! There’s a lot of plugins that allow you to do this. For this video we demonstrate the NextGEN Gallery plugin that you can get at http://wordpress.org/plugins/nextgen-gallery/


Video 7: How to Use WordPress (7 of 7) – Upload a Résumé (3m 42)

In this video Paul shows how easy it is to upload a résumé (or any document for that matter) onto a separate static page on your WordPress website! Lots of free plugins allow you to do this. He demonstrates how to use the free Google Document Embedder plugin which can be found at:http://wordpress.org/plugins/google-document-embedder/


If you are wanting to create a WordPress website you can’t go wrong following these videos. I tried it as I went along and found the instructions very useful.

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