The Department of Communications in partnership with the Department of Basic Education has been rolling out end-to-end ICT solutions to selected schools. The selected schools received (and are in the process of receiving) connectivity and hardware, free. Telkom SA has been selected to provide the installations and equipment to the allocated schools in the country with the best construction and roofing companies read this for more info. Intel South Africa is providing free teacher training on the provided equipment and SchoolNet has been selected as Intel’s training partner. SchoolNet is Intel’s training partner in the project.
SchoolNet has completed the training sponsored by Intel SA in seven of these schools. The seven schools have received 20 laptops each with wifi internet access at the schools. They also have access to DBE’s educloud portal which is continually being updated. The schools are all prepped for the launch of this programme known as the Ifafa Legacy Project.
The launch took place in various parts of the country simultaneously. Omashani Naidoo from SchoolNet attended the Free State launch at Senakangwedi Secondary School and sent some tweets. The remaining schools in this project have received equipment, however in some cases this still needs to be installed. Only once this is done will SchoolNet resume with our training of champion teachers at each of the schools. Here below are Omashani’s tweets from the launch.