Department of Basic Education COVID-19 Guides

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COVID-19 Guides

The Department of Basic Education (DBE) has designed and released timely COVID-19 Guides for Teachers and Learners in Eight (8) Official Languages that provide ideas for how teachers, learners, and parents can deal with going back to school and learning during the lockdown.

The guides aim to assist education stakeholders with COVID 19 protocols that can be observed during the phasing in of physical teaching and continued virtual learning. The DBE guides outline regulations on COVID-19 in the classroom, transport, playground, in public, at home as well as during physical distancing.

The DBE Guide provides basic scenarios and possible solutions that teachers, parents, and learners may encounter during the voluntary lockdown period. Additional links to resources available to all are also listed on the DBE website, and supplement the use of the guides:

* Teaching in schools during voluntary lockdown.
* Learning in schools during voluntary lockdown.

Below are the COVID-19 Guides:

Guide for Teachers in English

Guide for Learners in English

Guide for Learners in Afrikaans

Guide for Learners in IsiXhosa

Guide for Learners in IsiZulu

Guide for Learners in Sepedi

Guide for Learners in Sesotho

Guide for Learners in Setswana

We trust that the guides will contribute to keeping our teachers, learners, and community safe during this pandemic.

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