All grade 8 teachers from Ruabohlale, Seageng, NM Ntsuene, MH Baloyi and Winterveldt High School attended a three-day ICT workshop hosted at Winterveldt High School as part of the Telkom Connected Schools project in Gauteng. The teachers spent the first 3 days of their April holidays to learn basic ICT skills that could help them prepare lessons for teaching in classrooms that use various learning technologies. The first day of training allowed the facilitators to split the groups of teachers according to their ICT skills level as this ensured more focussed activities and explanations. SchoolNet facilitators implemented the cognitive apprenticeship model which allowed teachers to work at their own pace and practice to master the skills learnt daily. All 60 teachers also received a surprise when they were issued with a laptop, and a laptop bag for use at home and school for teaching and learning. Needless to say the teachers were super-excited as this allowed them to further practice their skills before the next day’s session.
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