Registration Interest form now open for the EdTechTeam South Africa Tour 2015 – Featuring Google and iOS for Education

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We are pleased to announce the 3rd EdTechTeam South African Google Apps for Education Summit Tour. Please see the details below. We would love to see you all there. Please let any interested colleagues know about this as well.

EdTEchTeam Google Summit

We invite you to join us for the EdTechTeam South Africa Summit featuring Google and iOS for Education to be held at the Selborne Primary, in East London, and Parklands College in Cape Town, South Africa in October 2015. See the event details here!

Join us…

  • October 2-3rd Eastern Cape Summit featuring Google for Education, Selborne Primary
  • October 8th – Cape Town iOS Summit and Pre-Summits featuring Google for Education, Parklands College
  • October 9-10th Cape Town Summit featuring Google for Education, Parklands College

These one or two day high intensity events focus on deploying, integrating, and using Google Apps for Education, iOS and other Google Tools to promote student learning in K-12 and higher education. 

The tour features Google Certified Teachers, Google Apps for Education Certified Trainers, Apple Distinguished Educators, practicing administrators, solution providers, Google engineers, local talent and representatives from the Google and Apple education teams. 

Register now to send teachers, administrators, tech directors, library media specialists, tech support staff, CTOs, and anyone who is interested in finding out more about leveraging Google Apps for Education and iOS to support student learning.

Register Now!

We hope to see you there!

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