Intel USO Master Training Mpumalanga, Free State and Gauteng

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usoSchoolNet was contracted by Intel to provide Master training on Intel’s Tablets in the Classroom course. As part of the Department of Basic Education, and the Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services’ mandate to implement Universal Services Obligations by Telecommunication Operators in South Africa, master training was provided to Departmental officials responsible for training in four provinces namely Mpumalanga, Free State, Gauteng and Limpopo. To date, training in three provinces has been completed with the last workshop scheduled in Limpopo for the first week of February 2017.

The 2-day training was a blend of technical and ICT integration training. The technical training was facilitated by IT Masters’ technicians who demonstrated the setup of the equipment as well as how officials could connect to the school solution and thus conduct effective training at the school.

SchoolNet was responsible for the ICT Integration training which involved completing all four modules of Intel’s Introduction to Tablets in the Classroom course. Ms Omashani Naidoo, SchoolNet’s Operations Manager facilitated the master training workshops.


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