Siyavula- Get your groove on with Maths & Science!

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Last year Schoolnet South Africa and Siyavula ( embarked on a project to roll out Mathematics and Sciences eLearning services to a selection of Gauteng schools in partnership with the Gauteng Department of Education (GDE). Siyavula is an innovative educational technology organisation on a mission to create engaging, integrated, high-quality learning experiences for learners in Mathematics and Science.

We were tasked to assist them in implementing their incredible platform at schools and providing support during the activation phase of the project. The main aim of the intervention was to increase the number of learners using the Siyavula platform by having activation days at the schools. During the activation phase, learners registered on the platform and experienced the benefits of using the platform to improve their grades in order to have a better understanding of their schoolwork and future.

The Siyavula platform offers textbooks, interactive questions and answers, past papers and future plaSiyavula learners busy trying out the new maths and science platformns. The teachers and learners were excited about the opportunities for learning and teaching. One Mamelodi Secondary School mathematics teacher, Mr. Ziqubu, used the platform to create a class competition, that involved learners and parents. The learner who completed and answered most Maths and science questions correctly received a laptop at the end of term 4. This resulted in enthusiastic participation and kindled a passion, not only for winning, but also for learning while playing.

The project was such a huge success that we are confident that teachers, who attended the Siyavula training sessions during the activation phase, will be able to assign learners homework using the platform. We are looking forward to seeing how this useful tool will further increase Maths and Science achievement in the participating schools this year.

More information about our work and partners, feel free to look through our SCHOOLNET@WORK section of our website (See the menu at the top)

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