ICT Skills for Teachers Course

ICT Skills for Teachers Course

ICT Skills for Teachers Course

The purpose of this programme is to introduce new users to ICT skills in the context of their roles as teachers.

The programme is unique in that it challenges the assumptions of traditional ICT skills programmes. Whereas most programmes are designed from the point of view of what content to teach, this programme is designed from the perspective of the teachers' needs and interests. The contexts of teachers' work with ICT is the most important consideration. Adult learning styles are encouraged in a well-managed training method that sees the trainer blend modelling and coaching strategies. Participants' different levels of confidence and ICT experience are acknowledged and this influences the nature of their participation in the class. Each participant is able to work on ICT-use scenarios that best suit his/her needs and interests.

Training sponsored by Microsoft typically takes 3-5 days, divided into two sessions one month apart. The programme can be flexibly offered to fit into the schedule of your school. New teachers need time, but you could offer the programme as a series of shorter workshops.

There are 30 scenarios on the CD, each supported with example documents, a scaffolded process and IT skill tip sheets. See the resources on the CD

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