Peer Coaching

Peer Coaching

Peer Coaching

Peer coaching is a whole school professional development model that provides coaches and teacher with opportunities to collaborate as peers in exploring ways in which learning can be enhanced with the support of ICT.

Goals of Peer Coaching

  1. Peers learn from each other
  2. Build teachers as leaders
  3. Systematic integration of ICT
  4. Engage learners in powerful learning
  5. Support professional development in schools

Click on the clusters for more information about past and present training.

2007/8 Free State Cluster 2008 Kuilsriver 2009 e-Monti Cluster 2008 East London Cluster 2009 Durban Cluster 2009 JHB Cluster 2008 Soweto Cluster 2008 Tshwane Cluster 2010 Johannesburg 2010 Eunice Cluster 2010 Durban Cluster 2008 Hilton Cluster 2009 Bloemfontein Cluster 1 2010 Bloemfontein 2009 Cluster 2009 Kuilsriver 2009 Bloemfontein Cluster 2 2009 PE 2010 PE 2008 Bloemfontein


More about Peer Coaching


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