Telkom SuperCentres Project Pg2

Telkom SuperCentres Project Pg2

Telkom SuperCentres Project Pg2

The following documentation is taken from the original project proposal.

1. SchoolNet South Africa

SchoolNet is an organisation that develops and supports the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in education in South Africa. SchoolNet creates learning communities of teachers and learners that use ICTs in education. It has achieved success as an organization involved in both the implementation and advocacy of ICTs in education throughout South Africa. It aims to address the inequalities of the past, support the introduction of the revised national curriculum and provide communication channels for use by educational institutions throughout South Africa.

SchoolNet works closely and collaboratively with government departments, NGOs, donors, the private sector and on-the-ground educators. The government departments that have been represented on SchoolNet’s Interim Executive Council from November 1997 until March 1999, and on the Board of Governors from April 1999 until the present are:

  • Department of Education (through the Centre for Educational Technology and Distance Education, which took on the role of co-ordinating SchoolNet’s establishment)
  • Department of Communications
  • Department of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology
  • Department of Trade and Industry

SchoolNet has four major focus areas:

  • Connectivity and Technology Infrastructure
  • Teacher Development and Training
  • Content and Curriculum
  • Advocacy and Marketing of ICTs in Education

Other project funders and partners include the World Bank, Open Society Foundation (the Soros Foundation for South Africa), Thintana Consortium, and Nortel Networks.

SchoolNet offers technical, educational and support services to schools, including the following:

  • SchoolMail, a low-cost E-mail service for all schools
  • Web site hosting
  • Mailing lists on a variety of topics
  • Domains for each school, e.g. (for Leteane High in North-West)
  • Specialised advice and technical services to schools
  • Seminars, conferences and training for teachers on various aspects of the use of ICTs in education (such as an annual conference)

2. Department of Education

The National Department of Education, through the Centre for Educational Technology and Distance Education (CETDE) has communicated its willingness to participate in the Telkom Super Centre project in an advisory role, as well as in the monitoring and evaluation of the project. This project offers the Department an opportunity to monitor a large-scale implementation of ICTs in schools, and its relative impact.

3. Thintana Consortium

SchoolNet SA has been awarded the contract to implement the Thintana i-Learn project, which will place computer networks in 200 schools or centres across South Africa, and run an education programme supporting improved teaching and learning through ICTs.

Because of the similarity between the Thintana and SuperCentres projects, SchoolNet is in a position to provide greater value to both projects through the synergy gained from implementing both projects within similar timeframes. SchoolNet will construct a single project team to implement both projects, ensuring that specialist skills are put in place to meet the variety of needs.

4. Other Partners

SchoolNet works in collaboration with a variety of relevant players in South Africa and abroad in achieving its objectives.

SchoolNet brings additional educational value to its projects through partnerships with organizations such as the IDRC, World Bank Institute WorLD project, IICD, ThinkQuest, I*EARN (International Education and Resource Network) and other development and education organizations.

Roles and responsibilities

1. SchoolNet SA

SchoolNet is responsible for:

  • Project management over a 20-month period
  • Selection process, in collaboration with provincial Departments of Education, and subject to approval by the Telkom Foundation
  • The Infrastructure and Education Programmes as detailed below
  • Subcontracting training and technical services as required, with a preference for using previously disadvantaged individuals (PDIs) pursuant to Telkom’s requirements for suppliers to support black empowerment (targets subject to further agreement)
  • Evaluation process
  • Identifying and providing branding, corporate communication and PR opportunities for Telkom, subject to a detailed agreement on this being reached
  • Communication with all role players (although not to act as a representative of the Telkom Foundation except as agreed)
  • Providing periodic reports to the Telkom Foundation as agreed

2. Telkom

The Telkom Foundation is responsible for:

  • Contracting equipment and installation suppliers, to meet the specifications detailed in Appendix B. (Hardware has already been purchased from Dell, currently in storage.)
  • Contracting a company to develop the graphical design and framework of a project website.
  • Providing Internet access accounts to participating schools
  • Providing telephone rebates to participating schools
  • Any branding, communication or PR activities or materials not specifically agreed with SchoolNet
  • Leveraging Telkom’s products and services where possible to the benefit of the project schools
  • Approving the final selection of schools
  • Ensuring that appropriate monitoring and evaluation takes place
  • Being the spokesperson for the project
  • Overall management of the project

3. Suppliers contracted by Telkom

Suppliers contracted by Telkom are responsible for providing equipment and installation services at the selected schools.

Such suppliers are required to liaise with and report to SchoolNet on implementation details and completion as well as being contractually responsible to Telkom.

4. Schools

Participating schools are responsible for:

  • Submitting a good-faith and practical education and infrastructure implementation plan
  • Selecting at least 2 teachers with responsibility for managing the ICT facilities on a technical level
  • Ensuring the participation in SchoolNet’s education programme of at least 10 teachers
  • Ensuring that nominated teachers have sufficient time to participate in the project
  • Reporting as required to SchoolNet on the extent and nature of use of the ICT facilities.
  • Meeting ongoing and consumable costs, including printer paper, backup media, telephone costs above the rebate granted by Telkom, and any repair or replacement costs not covered by supplier warrantees.

5. National DoE

The Centre for Educational Technology and Distance Education will participate in the project Working Group, and facilitate relationships with provincial Departments of Education through the TELI co-ordinators, structures such as HEDCOM, and other relevant directorates.

6. Provincial DoEs

Provincial Departments of Education will participate in the school selection process with SchoolNet. Final selection will be subject to approval by the Telkom Foundation.

SchoolNet will also seek to establish working partnerships beyond the selection stage, to include Education Department professional and support staff. Where provinces have existing ICT strategies or plans, SchoolNet will pursue integration with these plans as far as possible within the project constraints and budget.

» View information about Phase 2 SuperCentres

» Return to the Introduction Page 

SchoolNet South Africa is an incorporated Non Profit Company - Registration 2001/012244/08, NPO Number 030-817
and holds Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) Status, in terms of Section 30 of the Income Tax Act - PBO Number 130003557.

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