Use to display group photos on a blog (e.g. Google Teacher Academy NY cohort)

Often when you are at a life-changing professional development event, such as the recent Google Teacher Academy in New York, you want to have a group photo to remember the occasion and the people – and you may want to display it on a blog or website. Zoomit is the perfect tool to use for this. Here is the example and then I’ll tell you how to go about it:   1. First you need to put your photo somewhere on the web so as to obtain a web link.  2. Open and add y...

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30 Days of Webtools #27: Discover the benefits of YouTube in the classroom

Recently I have become very aware of the benefits of YouTube for an educator. There are amazing resources for the classroom – one can so easily start making a collection of useful clips that can add spice to your daily lessons. Here are some ideas: 1. Chop videos using TubeChop ( Using TubeChop you can cut interesting bits out of a YouTube video and keep the link. (If you wanted to download it you would probaby have to use Screencastomatic to record the clip) &...

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30 Days of webtools: #26 Use Slideshare to share online PowerPoints

Slideshare ( is one of my favourite free programmes. It is a way of easily presenting information online.  It could be really useful if you have a classroom blog or wiki because you could upload all sorts of different information for your class to access at home.  It is also a way for your students to present their information online if they are collaborating with another class.  Basically, with Slideshare you can upload and share (publicly or privately) PowerP...

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30 Days of webtools: #25 Create a Prezi

What is a Prezi? Prezi is another presentation tool that is fascinating to use.You will find Prezi at It is a zooming digital presentation editor that holds the attention of students possibly more than would a PowerPoint.  (Last week I attended a primary school ‘Technology Show’ at Micklefield Primary – totally amazing! One grade demonstrated the use of Prezi and their comment was that they think ALL the teachers should use Prezi!) With Prezi you can type text, embed pict...

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30 Days of webools #24: Create a MentorMob playlist

What is MentorMob? It’s that word ‘curating’ that is popping up again! I found MentorMob, a curating tool,  by chance when surfing the Net and I really like this free tool. This is a great tool which allows one to put together articles, videos and blogs related to a subject of interest in a play list. The end produce has a gorgeous look in my opinion Examples of MentorMobs To show you what I mean 1) Take a look at this one on Blended Learning by Anna Conway It i...

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30 days of webtools: #23 Use Mybrainshark to create online Powerpoints with voice plus more…

Mybrainshark is a place where you can easily create videos from your PowerPoint slides…but not only from PowerPoint slides! You can also add your voice to documents, a series of photos, and even voice over to a video or else the video with its own sounds. It is a fantastic free programme! So open Mybrainshark on My first attempt: How to make a Mybrainshark My first attempt at a Mybrainshark was just to upload a PowerPoint on how to make a Mybrainshark and add voice to ...

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30 Days of webtools: #22 Use Edmodo or Obami as free interactive classroom management tools

What are Edmodo and Obami?    Both Edmodo and Obami are free classroom management tools that help you as a teacher make your classroom into a community. You would use either one or the other. They provide teachers and students with a secure place to post messages, discuss classroom topics, assign and grade classwork, connect and collaborate, share content and educational applications, and access homework, grades, class discussions and notifications. Classroom uses of Edmodu and Ob...

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30 days of webtools: #21 Get organised using a Livebinder

What is a Livebinder? There is a lovely, free online site you may have heard of called LiveBinders ( It is a free online service for teachers that lets them gather, organize and share information. It is like an online 3-ring binder that you can put anything (that is online) into – webpages, PDF, documents, images, or videos. Everything is organized by tab and you can even have subtabs within those tabs. I really wanted to create a Livebinder myself this week, b...

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30 days of webtools: #20 Use Screencast-o-matic to make superb screencasts

Screencasting is an amazing programme to use if you want to quickly show someone how to do something on the computer. It easily creates a video of what you are doing and saying. These are called screencasts. If you want to create good screencasts without the hassle of downloading and installing any application on your computer then Screencast-O-Matic is the best available tool for the purpose. Other screencasting applications I started off using Jing, until I discovered ScreenR. I have written a blo...

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30 Days of webtools #19: Picasa, Photopeach and other photo sharing sites

Nowadays there are so many different and amazing things you can do with your photographs online. You can store them, create gorgous slideshows, among other things. In this post I am going to outline sites for the following: 1) Sites for uploading photos to the Internet for storage 2) A search engine for royalty free photos 3) A talking photo site 4) A site for making large classroom posters 5) Sites for creating lovely slideshows Take a look at this Slideshare for ideas:    Have ...

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