Great, free 10 minute, online, spelling initiative in South Africa on Friday 27th October for primary and secondary learners – consider taking part…

Here is a message from Anthony Peters from Parklands College about an exciting free spelling initiative that takes place online on Friday 27th October 2017.  It sounds great! “Hi all I’m helping to spread an exciting initiative around South Africa and it has the ambitious aim of improving English literacy competence of individuals not just within South Africa but across the whole African continent! Spelling competitions are a big focus at the moment and there are four a year, one in each...

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‘Grade 7 E-Day June 2017’ A really inspiring post from Anthony Peters from Parklands College

This is another amazing guest post from Anthony Peters @apeters522, Anthony is a very innovative English High School teacher from Parklands College in CapeTown, who delights in using technology in his High School English classes very creatively. We are always very happy when Anthony submits a post to us. You can view his 14 previous posts on our blog via the ‘Anthony Peters’ label  under Quick links on the right side. “E-days have always been something...

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‘Grade 7 Orientation 2017’ by @apeters522 from Parklands College

This is another guest post from Anthony Peters @apeters522, Anthony is a very innovative English High School teacher from Parklands College in CapeTown who delights in using technology in his High School English classes very creatively. We are always very happy when Anthony submits a post to us. You can view all his previous posts on our blog via the ‘Anthony Peters’ label  under Quick links on the right side. “The youngest additions to the Secondary Faculty h...

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Who Wasted Westing? (Part 2 of a Grade 7 literature project based on a novel from Anthony Peters of Parklands College)

This is Part 2 of a guest post from Anthony Peters @apeters522, a follow-on from  ‘Let the game begin!’ ‘ posted on . Anthony is a very innovative English High School teacher from Parklands College in CapeTown who delights in using technology in his High School English classes very creatively. We are always delighted to publish posts by Anthony. You can view all his previous posts on our blog via the Anthony Peters label under ‘Quick links’ on the right side. A quick sum...

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‘Let the game begin!’ An exciting Grade 7 literature project based on a novel – from Anthony Peters of Parklands College

This is another guest post from Anthony Peters @apeters522, a very innovative English High School teacher from Parklands College in Cape Town who delights in using technology in the classroom creatively. We are always delighted to publish posts by Anthony. You can view all his previous posts on our blog via the Anthony Peters label under ‘Quick links’ on the right side. This is part 1 of an exciting Grade 7 Literature project. Anthony will provide an update on how it is progressing! ...

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‘PCI Crime Scene Investigation.docx’ A great guest post from Anthony Peters from Parklands College

This is another guest post from Anthony Peters@apeters522, a very innovative English High School teacher from Parklands College in CapeTown who delights in using technology in the classroom creatively. We are always delighted to publish posts by Anthony. You can view all his previous posts on our blog via the Anthony Peters label under ‘Quick links’ on the right side. Lesson objectives “For the last two weeks, the grade 7 learners have been involved in a Parklands College Investigati...

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‘South Africa Library Week’ – another great creative writing guest post from @apeters522 from Parklands College

This is another guest post from Anthony Peters @apeters522 who is a very innovative English High School teacher from Parklands College in CapeTown who delights in using technology in the classroom creatively. We are always delighted to publish posts by Anthony. You can view all his previous posts on our blog via the Anthony Peters label under ‘Quick links’ on the right side.  Grade 7 enjoyed a whole programme with a spectrum of activities for South Africa’s Library Week. The foci of thes...

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Profile: Anthony Peters (@apeters522) English High School teacher from Parklands College, Cape Town

SchoolNet is pleased to present the profile of Anthony Peters, a Grade 8 and 9 High School teacher from Parklands College in Cape Town.  Anthony is a regular guest post writer on the SchoolNet blog. He is well-known in South Africa for his inspiring presentations at Conferences. Apart from that Anthony is an amazing teacher who has mastered the art of making lessons stimulating, very exciting and out of the ordinary using the iPad. Please follow Anthony on Twitter @apeters522 Where do you teach, A...

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‘The Magnificence of Marking with iPads’- a great guest post by @apeters522 from Parklands College

This is another guest post from Anthony Peters @apeters522 who is a very innovative English High School teacher from Parklands College in Cape Town. We are always delighted to publish posts by Anthony. You can view all his previous posts on our blog via the Anthony Peters label under ‘Quick links’ on the right side Since attending South Africa’s first iPad Summit in Johannesburg earlier this year, I have begun using Notability and Explain Everything (paid) apps for learner creation but also for m...

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‘Scintillating and Successful Story Writing!’ A wonderful guest post by @apeters522 from Parklands College

This is another guest post from Anthony Peters @apeters522 who is a very innovative English High School teacher from Parklands College in Cape Town. We are always delighted to publish posts by Anthony especially as he publishes on blogging platforms all over the world!  In previous posts he shared with us his very successful Shakespeare QR code Scavenger Hunt Assessment activity done with Grade 9 students, as well as Awesome Aurasma – teaching the different forms of humour to a Grade 9 cl...

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