Chrome extensions #4: Let One Tab simplify your browsing experience…

Do you ever find that you are doing research and have masses of tabs open, to the point that you have to click through each one to discover which one was which; OR worst case scenario, your computer freezes? I often experience this, so when I read about a free Chrome extension called ‘One Tab’ (  I immediately wanted to try it out. What is One-Tab? One-Tab is a Crome extension that converts all of your open tabs into one list showcased in Chrome as one tab. When you ...

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Chrome extensions #3: What is a credible webpage? Let Easybib help you decide!

Easybib is a free Chrome extension that has two useful functions: The first is to tell you whether a website is credible or not. If the source has not yet been evaluated Easybib will let you know. Its second function is to enable to to provide a quick citation of your sources in a bibliography. The bookmarklet will create a properly formulated citation for you. I really like the Easybib website that gives a clear description of how to evaluate a website. It has been embedded below. The website gi...

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30 Days of Google #2: Ten favourite Chrome extensions

Submitted by Fiona Beal Yesterday in our new 30 Days of Google series I wrote a post about the Chrome browser ‘Get to know the Chrome browser’. Today I want to tell you about some of my favourite extensions (all free) that you can add to your Google Chrome browser bar to make browsing a breeze! What exactly is a Chrome extension? Chrome extensions are free extra features and functionality that you can choose to add to your browser from the Chrome Web Store. Generally I don’t go to the web store...

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30 days of webtools: #9: Create PDFs from webpages using the Chrome Extension ‘Send to Google Docs”

Recently I was faced with a problem. Some of the Constant Contact newsletter links that I had placed on the blog no longer worked…they had expired.  I thought the best thing to do would be to convert the newsletters to PDFs and upload them to with a link to the blog.  But, Constant Contact didn’t seem  to supply any way of converting these newsletters to PDF.  Google Chrome extension – Send to Google Docs. Then I remembered the wonderful free Chrome extensions for Go...

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30 days of Web Tools: #2: Google Chrome extensions that are useful for students

submitted by Fiona Beal Which browser do you use? Have you tried Google Chrome? I have three browsers installed on my computer (Chrome, Internet Explorer and Firefox) and I must say that Google Chrome is fast become my firm favourite. Recently I have been exploring free Chrome extensions and have been amazed at what is on offer. These could be very useful for the students we teach. What is a Chrome extension? Chrome extensions are extra features and functionality that you can choose to add to your br...

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