Android #8: Get started with Class Dojo–a class motivational tool!

Unfortunately my Android tablet isn’t compatible with Class Dojo. Pity because this is a fantastic application for an elementary school teacher to use on his/her tablet. However I can still use the website version on my Android tablet. What is Class Dojo? Class Dojo is a free online tool which allows the class teacher to manage and record behaviour and provide instant feedback to the class. It encourages learners to take responsibility for their own behaviour, and puts the focus on positive inste...

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Class Dojo–a fantastic classroom motivational tool

Submitted by Fiona Beal I have always loved creating a classroom spirit in my classes and one way of doing this is introducing plenty of motivational tools to encourage the learners. I was absolutely delighted recently when I came across this Glogster advertising two teachers’ use of a classroom motivational tool called Class Dojo. This is something that would work so well in a primary school classroom. Caitlin Jones and Erin Schudde did a fantastic job of this Glogster, don’t you agree? (I ...

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