Commonwealth Digital Education Leadership Training in Action (C-DELTA)

SchoolNet South Africa in collaboration with the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) would like to invite teachers and students to take part in a Free Commonwealth of Digital Education Leadership Training in Action (C-Delta) programme. The C-Delta course is accredited with the South African Council for Educators (SACE) with 40 CPTD Points that can go towards teachers’ professional development points. The C-DELTA programme provides a framework for fostering digital learning and developing skilled citizens...

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C-delta – Commonwealth Learning Programme

SchoolNet SA is eager to support our teachers with professional development on the international certification called the Commonwealth Digital Education Leadership Training in Action (C-DELTA). This programme is offered to all 54 Commonwealth countries and provides a framework for fostering digital learning and developing skilled citizens for lifelong learning. The goal of this programme is to highlight competencies and skills needed to be a digital leader and to be a positive influencer for the use of di...

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Earn 35 CPTD SACE Endorsed Points: Register for the Commonwealth of Learning Digital Education Leadership Training in Action Course

Are you an Educator? . Do you want to gain 35 CPTD SACE endorsed Points? . Register for the Commonwealth of Learning Digital Education Leadership Training in Action course – an International Accredited course Offered by the Commonwealth of Learning in partnership with SchoolNet SA. . Register here to complete the Course and Gain Your 35 CPTD SACE endorsed Point SchoolNet SA is eager to support our Teachers with professional development on the international ...

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Become a Master Trainer for the C-Delta programme!

Missed our C-Delta Training Webinar? No worries! Our Webinar Session Date: 16th July 2020, 4-5 PM : . What is C-Delta? The Commonwealth Digital Education Leadership Training in Action (C-DELTA) is a programme designed to promote a digital education environment. The goal is to develop leaders who can demonstrate how to use ICTs effectively and influence others around them to use digital technology appropriately and effectively for learning (and earning) and support sustainable development....

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Community Support for Amathole Teacher Futures School

Elukhanyisweni Secondary School, situated in the Amathole District of the Eastern Cape, is one of the schools participating in the Commonwealth of Learning Teacher Futures programme. The programme aims to support teachers in developing digital skills and creating communities of practice so that they can provide better teaching and learning opportunities for rural learners. Whilst Elukhanyisweni had computers and received a donation of tablets from MTN, the school has been burgled a number of times and a ...

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Commonwealth of Learning Teacher Futures: Success Stories from Amathole

SchoolNet SA has been working with teachers and school leaders from ten schools in the Amathole District in the Eastern Cape as part of the Commonwealth of Learning Teacher Futures programme. Teacher Futures strives to develop teaching and learning communities of practice (COP) for the purpose of scaling up in-service teachers’ digital knowledge and skills and to assist them in providing quality and sustainable education in the Eastern Cape schools. With these goal in mind, teachers from the part...

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Commonwealth of Learning Teacher Futures – Success story from the Eastern Cape

SchoolNet SA is currently running a Commonwealth of Learning Teachers Future project in conjunction with the University of Fort Hare. The programme is aimed at developing digital learning among 10 schools in the Amatole District of the Eastern Cape.  The schools are in the same district as the University of Fort Hare where lecturers in the Faculty of Education are also participating in the Teacher Futures Programme with the intention of improving their digital learning expertise.  T...

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Commonwealth of Learning Teacher Futures programme for Fort Hare

The Commonwealth of Learning in partnership with the Department of Basic Education is supporting a teacher development programme in South Africa being implemented at the University of Fort Hare. Ten high schools in the Amathole District have been selected to participate in this three year Teacher Futures programme, which will be facilitated by SchoolNet South Africa and supported by the Eastern Cape Department of Education, another partner in this project. In September 2018 the Planning Forum for this pro...

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Commonweath of Learning Teacher Futures kicks off in Alice

The Commonwealth of Learning in partnership with the Department of Basic Education is supporting a teacher development programme in South Africa being implemented at the University of Fort Hare. Ten high schools in the Amathole District have been selected to participate in this three year Teacher Futures programme, which will be facilitated by SchoolNet South Africa and supported by the Eastern Cape Department of Education, another partner in this project. This Planning Forum for the Teacher Futures in...

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