South African learners compete at international coding olympiad in Japan

The International Olympiad for Informatics (IOI) is an international coding competition for high school learners that takes place in a different country every year. This year, a record 335 participants from 87 countries travelled to Japan to put their programming skills to the test. The South African team consisted of Tian Cilliers (Stellenbosch High School), Ralph McDougall (Curro Durbanville) Taariq Mowzer (Fairbairn College) and Emile Tredoux (Parklands College). They earned their spots at the 30th ...

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UNESCO Prize for ICT in Education – open for applications

Does your school or organisation use digital tools in innovative ways to ensure education for vulnerable groups of people? If so, consider applying for this year’s UNESCO ICT in Education Prize. Funded by the Kingdom of Bahrain and established in 2005, the Prize rewards individuals and organizations that are carrying out outstanding projects to improve teaching and learning in the digital age. It calls attention to excellent models, best practices and creative uses of ICTs to enhance overall educ...

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Matthew Hains – a candidate for the Global Teacher Prize

Matthew Hains has entered the “Global Teacher Prize” – which annually presents a one million dollar award from the Varkey Foundation to recognise an exceptional teacher. We are happy to support Matt’s nomination for this award as he is always willing to share his expertise on using digital tools effectively in the classroom with other teachers. You may have seen Matt in action at the 2017 SchoolNet SA ICT in the Classroom conference where he presented a session on “T...

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Water is Life – Collaborate on a global problem

The water shortages in Cape Town have made all South Africans, particularly those living in the Western Cape, very much aware of the importance of saving water. But access to adequate, safe water is a global problem – we can both learn from ideas that are working in other countries, and our learners can contribute ideas of their own. In February 2018, you can sign up to take part in the iEARN Water is Life project. As part of this global collaborative project, your students will be involved in ac...

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Create a short film with your interpretation of “In Another’s Shoes”

(submitted on behalf of EdTechTeam) Do your learners have access to tablets or phones that they can use to create short films? Are you looking for an opportunity for your learners to express themselves in a creative and meaningful way? Why not ask them to create a two-minute video responding to the theme “In Another’s Shoes”.  A new nonprofit has just launched the Global Student Voice Film Festival. This is an English-language film competition open globally to st...

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Great, free 10 minute, online, spelling initiative in South Africa on Friday 27th October for primary and secondary learners – consider taking part…

Here is a message from Anthony Peters from Parklands College about an exciting free spelling initiative that takes place online on Friday 27th October 2017.  It sounds great! “Hi all I’m helping to spread an exciting initiative around South Africa and it has the ambitious aim of improving English literacy competence of individuals not just within South Africa but across the whole African continent! Spelling competitions are a big focus at the moment and there are four a year, one in each...

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2016 ISPA SuperTeacher Finalists Announced

The ISPA SuperTeacher Competition is an annual competition sponsored by the Internet Service Providers’ Association (ISPA) and managed by CoZa Cares Foundation. The aim of the competition is to give educators an opportunity to showcase their skills in using ICT to improve the educational environment within their school or community. SchoolNet’s Megan Rademeyer had the pleasure of serving as one of the judges for this competition – which meant that she had a sneak-peek at the portfolios of ...

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Global Youth Challenge on Climate Change- Get Involved!! And Win Your Way to COP22

Submitted by Omashani Naidoo The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is seeking youth between 18 and 30 who are working on community or social action on Climate change. Why don’t you consider a project or campaign you are involved in to combat climate change, an action which convinced your parents, school or college to take climate action, a lobbying of your elected members of government or your city leaders. Whatever is making a difference, turn it into a snappy concise 3 minute vid...

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Competition up for grabs – win an An iPad Pro and Apple Pencil. Why not enter?

We bring you another GREAT competition announcement from School Advisor and Digicape! How would you like to win a iPad Pro and an Apple Pencil? How to enter this competition SchoolNet South Africa (SchoolNet SA) is listed on SchoolAdvisor, an online platform for finding school suppliers. By reviewing a school supplier such as SchoolNet SA on SchoolAdvisor, you have the chance to WIN an iPad Pro + Apple Pencil! (T&Cs apply). It’s as easy as that! SchoolAdvisor allows schools to search fo...

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Top achievers: meet the 2015 ISPA SuperTeacher Competition winners – 2016 competition launched!

Guest post submitted by Sharon Ries of CozaCaresDigital Learning Day is being celebrated across the United States today, Wednesday 17 February. Other countries around the world have been encouraged to submit information about their events today as well,  on the Twitter handle @OfficialDLDay and the hashtag #DLD. CoZa Cares Foundation is choosing to launch the 2016 ISPA SuperTeacher Competition on this day – and so a little balloon will be featured over Johannesburg on the DLD map of the w...

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