Digital storytelling #2: How do I get started writing a digital story?

Submitted by Fiona Beal We are presenting a series of four posts about digital storytelling. The first in the series focusing on what digital storytelling is all about was entitled, Digital storytelling #1: What exactly is digital storytelling? Today we look at ways of getting started with digital storytelling The main problem with writing a story is finding the initial inspiration. Here are a few methods that might help! (1) Find story starter sites on the Internet There are plenty of these ty...

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Digital storytelling #1: What exactly is digital storytelling?

Submitted by Fiona Beal Today we are starting a series of four posts about digital storytelling. Today is the first in the series focusing on what digital storytelling is all about. Do you like stories? We ALL do! Our brains are wired for stories. Our lives are stories one scene after another! The term Digital Storytelling has different meanings in different contexts I have discovered. Sometimes writing a story using a lovely online story editor such as Storybird is referred to as Digital Storytelling &#...

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