Step up to Computer Science – Tips for teachers

Even if your school does not offer Information Technology as a subject, and even if you have no formal training in computer science, you can still introduce your learners to basic computer science concepts as part of their digital literacy lessons or perhaps as an extra-mural activity. Recently Bonolo Sedupane featured in a Microsoft Virtual Academy encouraging teachers to ‘Step up to Computer Science’. She gave a range of tips for setting up a computer science class for younger learners, ...

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Coding gets creative: Use Touch Develop to create apps and games

Bonolo Sedupane recently featured in a Microsoft Virtual Academy entitled  ‘Creative coding through games and apps’. In the webinar, Bonolo gives some ideas for secondary school teachers who want to introduce programming to a broad range of learners, including those who may never have considered programming before. Bonolo makes the point that even if learners are not taking Information Technology as a school subject, doing some simple programming as part of computer literacy lessons or...

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Using Kodu in the Classroom – Watch the Microsoft Virtual Academy and try the tool

Are you keen to try some basic coding in your classroom? Perhaps you have already done the Hour of Code with your learners, and now you are ready to move on to something a bit more challenging? Why not give Kodu a try? Kodu lets students create games on Windows computers using a simple visual programming language. Through making games, students also have opportunities to express themselves creatively, solve problems and tell stories. If you are new to Kodu, check out the Microsoft Virtual Academy...

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Physical Computing in the Classroom – watch our Virtual Academy and give it a try

Physical computing involves interactive physical systems or devices that can be programmed through software. That sounds very high-tech – but basically it involves bringing coding to life by programming something that you can touch to do something. For example, if you have a Microbit you can use a piece of tape to create into a fancy bracelet that flashes a message. Or if two people each have a Microbit – these can be programmed to make a symbol for either rock, paper or scissors so that a di...

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4Africa Virtual Academy webinar #6: ‘Collaboration with OneNote Class Notebook’ on 19th May. Please join us

We invite you to join Megan Rademeyer and Victor Ngobeni who will be presenting a free Microsoft webinar this Thursday 19th May at 3pm. It is entitled ‘Çollaboration with OneNote Class Notebook’. Time: Thursday afternoon 19 May at 3pm – 3:45pm. Presenters: Megan Rademeyer and Victor Ngobeni Topic: Çollaboration with OneNote Class Notebook Link to join: Explanation OneNote Class Notebook makes it easier for students to collaborate. We know that Microsoft OneNote is a...

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4Africa Virtual Academy webinar #5: Free local Microsoft webinar on ‘Minecraft’ on Tuesday 19th April at 3pm (GMT+2). Please join us!

The free Microsoft webinar scheduled for TOMORROW, Tuesday 19th April, features the gamification application teachers and students all over the world are talking about – Minecraft! Time: Tuesday afternoon 19 April at 3pm – 3:45pm. Presenter: Megan Rademeyer and Victor Ngobeni Topic:Minecraft Explanation: “Minecraft is a computer game that uses virtual building blocks to create opportunities for creative problem-solving. More than a million people are playing Minecraft at any one ...

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Local Microsoft webinar ‘Get Swaying! – Create Sways and use them in your classroom’: 4th Feb. 3pm

You can use Sway to create and share interactive reports, presentations and personal stories. In this webinar @MeganRademeyer and @VictorNgobeni will show you how to create a Sway and they will give you some ideas for using this fun, free presentation tool in your classroom. Guest presenter @PhutiRagophala, a current Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert, will show us some of her Sways and how she’s used this tool in the classroom and to spread her ideas.   Time: 3pm (S...

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4Africa Virtual Academy webinar #4: Flip your classroom with Office Mix – a local webinar from Microsoft Johannesburg on Thurs 3pm (GMT+2)

We invite you to join Megan Rademeyer and Victor Ngobeni who will be presenting a free Microsoft webinar this Thursday 12th November at 3pm. It features the free PowerPoint 2013 add-in called ‘Office Mix’ Office Mix is a free add-in for PowerPoint 2013. It is a powerful tool that makes authoring and sharing of online lessons / presentations simple. It allows you to make them interactive with quizzes and labs. It allows you to export lessons as mp4 videos. During the webinar Megan and Victor...

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Microsoft Virtual Academy 4Africa webinars for teachers…an update

In a blogpost in July () we mentioned that Microsoft had announced their Microsoft Virtual Academy online courses for teachers. In South Africa the Microsoft Virtual Academy has a branch called the Microsoft Virtual Academy 4Africa . Victor Ngobeni from Microsoft and Megan Rademeyer from SchoolNet have been holding webinars for teachers once a month on this platform. These webinars cover topics that teachers will love and the recordings can be listened to at any time: Previous recordings   1) Appl...

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4Africa Virtual Academy webinar #3: Free Microsoft Webinar today “”.Find out about the new site!

In a blogpost in July () we mentioned that Microsoft had announced their Microsoft Virtual Academy online courses for teachers. In South Africa the Microsoft Virtual Academy has a branch called the Microsoft 4Africa Virtual Academy. Victor Ngobeni from Microsoft and Megan Rademeyer from SchoolNet have been holding webinars for teachers once a month on this platform. These webinars cover topics that teachers will love and the recordings can be listened to at any time: Previous recordings    1) ...

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