A new computer lab – Lessons from New Nation School

In October 2018, the old Gauteng Online computer room at New Nation School in Vrededorp, Gauteng was equipped with Windows 10 laptops by Microsoft Philanthropies as part of a larger programme of support provided to the school by the Trevor Noah Foundation. SchoolNet SA has conducted the ‘Change Leadership for Technology Integration’ course for school leaders and the ‘Microsoft in the Education’ course for educators at the school and has also provided some onsite coaching and suppo...

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Change Leadership for New Nation School Leaders

The Trevor Noah Foundation is supporting New Nations School in Vrededorp, Gauteng, with the aim of providing vulnerable youth with the education, life skills, and social capital necessary to pursue further opportunities upon graduating high school. To support these efforts, Microsoft equipped the school with a lab of Windows 10 laptops and Office 365 email accounts, and commissioned SchoolNet SA to run some professional development workshops for staff to assist them to use the resources to enhance teachi...

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