SchoolNet SA in the News

April 2018 was a busy media month for SchoolNet – and you may have seen us on TV or heard us talking about our Learning Gains Through Play project on the radio. The impetus The need to share important findings from research conducted over four years as part of the DG Murray Trust-funded study on Learning Gains through Play prompted SchoolNet South Africa to issue a press release in April 2018. This project had shown that exposure to digital educational apps and Xbox Kinect games had significantly i...

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SchoolNet and DRDAR’s work together to assist in the Clean-up of Bethania Secondary School

The province of the Eastern Cape is plagued by historical backlogs in the provision of universal access of basic services.  There is a greater demand now more than ever before to close the rural- urban digital divide in Eastern Cape.  The MEC of the DRDAR, the Hon. Mlibo Qoboshiyane in his 2014/15 policy speech, pronounced that the department, in partnership with the Department of Education and other stakeholders, would support at least 100 rural schools with broadband connection. Seven s...

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Teachers take your learners to see the inspirational film Hidden Figures. Details in this post…

Hidden Figures is currently the number one film in America. Here in South Africa, the movie has become part of the ‘Hidden No More STEM For Girls Campaign’. The campaign is being driven by a broad based coalition of educators, community organizations and STEM practitioners across South Africa. to inspire and encourage South  The principle objective of the campaign is to leverage the power of Hidden Figures to inspire and encourage South African girls and women...

Read more by Facebook and Free Basics in South Africa – offered by Cell C

  Free Basics by Facebook partners with mobile operators in different countries to provide people with access to useful services on their mobile phones in areas where internet access may be less affordable. In South Africa, Cell C has thus far partnered with Free Basics and has a number of websites available for free without data charges (zero-rated), and include content such as the news, employment, health, education and local information. By introducing people to the benefits of the internet th...

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Five takeaways from a most enjoyable Cape Town Maths Day!

Submitted by Fiona Beal On Saturday morning (14th May) I attended the Cape Town Maths Day at Grove Primary along with 50 other teachers. The focus was on exploring Maths digitally so we were asked to bring along a laptop or another suitable device.  The program was great. We each received a wonderful goodie bag at registration that included a useful, large Sharp calculator. Throughout the morning we were given great demonstrations and useful Maths tips to try out in our classrooms. Here are my ...

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Congratulations to the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (in Phoenix, Arizona) student achievers from South Africa

Have you seen this post entitled ‘Africa’s brightest students shine at Intel ISEF 2016‘ written dy Danny Linington from IT News, Africa?  It is a report back on the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF 2016), which was held in the United States in Phoenix, Arizona last week. Approximately 1,700 high school students from over 75 countries attended. Among these individuals three students from South Africa were highlighted and we offer them congratulations. ...

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SchoolNet conducts professional development in the Eastern Cape on behalf of the Telkom Foundation

School Net SA conducts professional development workshops as part of an initiative for the Telkom Foundation. Telkom is making meaningful contributions to improving the quality of education in the Eastern Cape Schools. School Net SA is conducting training in the course, Change Leadership for Technology Integration with Senior Management Teams in 12 schools in the Queenstown area of the Eastern Cape. Facing Challenges is one of the modules covered in September. Effective school lead...

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DBE National #ICT Core Training Team workshop underway at Microsoft in Johannesburg this week

If you are following along on the Twitter hashtag #dbeicttrainer you’ll notice that some great training is taking place this week. The DBE National #ICT Core Training Team workshop is underway in Johannesburg, led by Victor Ngobeni from Microsoft and Megan Rademeyer from SchoolNet.  50 core trainers from all provinces are building skills and learning about tools and courses to take back to their teachers. DDG Themba Kojana set the scene for the week of learning ahead. Nadia Albino from @UNI...

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Free State DoE Deploying Student Technical Support Solutions (Helpdesk) in 10 Clusters

Boaramelo SS, Lekhulong SS, Concordia SS and Sehunelo SS are four schools that attended the Microsoft Help Desk course facilitated by SchoolNet. The trainer’s approach to the group was different to the way he usually conducted training and as a result teachers and learners paid better attention. This also created enthusiasm and a competition amongst the groups. Understanding the hardware is the chapter that most trainees enjoyed the most because the training was conducted in a classroom and participant...

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Computer Olympiad news – All four members of the South African Team that took part in the 27th International Olympiad in Informatics in Kazakhstan will return with medals

This was such great news about the South African Olympiad team that we thought we would mention it on our blog. All four members of the South African Team that took part in the 27th International Olymiad in Informatics in Kazakhstan will return with medals Who was in the team? The team that took part in the Olympiad consisted of: Ulrik de Muelenaere from Waterkloof High, Pretoria Yaseen Mowzer from Fairbairn College, Cape Town Thomas Orton from Bishops, Cape Town Robin Visser from St George’s Gramma...

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