The 2016 iEARN Conference and Youth Summit in Pune India takes place from 3rd – 8th July 2016.

You are invited to attend the 2016 iEARN Conference and Youth Summit in Pune India from 3rd – 8th July 2016. iEARN 2016 Conference Theme FOSTERING QUALITY IN EDUCATION Participants can present their papers or can conduct workshops or action research projects or share success stories of iEARN projects in the following areas: Schools and community  Teacher Development  Leadership in schools  Innovation and change  Quality standards in schools  Visioning practice in Sc...

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The free Google Education on Air conference – speakers and sessions announced

This all sounds very exciting! This is a free, international online conference created by Google. Why not add this Google online event to your dairies for May 8th, 9th and 10th! This post with the latest announcement was recently posted on the Google for Education blog Last month Google announced their Education on Air conference — a free online conference taking place May 8-9, 2015. They have now released the schedule of sessions, based on suggestions from those who sent in ideas. They’ll emphasiz...

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