Become a Master Trainer for an International Accredited Course!

INVITATION TO ENROL FOR A FREE ONLINE COURSE The Commonwealth Digital Education Leadership Training in Action (C-DELTA) is a programme designed to promote a digital education environment. The goal is to develop leaders who can demonstrate how to use ICTs effectively and influence others around them to use digital technology appropriately and effectively for learning (and earning) and support sustainable development. What will I Benefit: Earn an International Certificate from the Commonwealth of Learning...

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How do you measure up against the Framework for Digital Learning?

SchoolNet SA staff recently participated in a workshop for SACE endorsed training providers that offer courses in digital learning to teachers. The intention of this workshop was to raise awareness of the Department of Basic Education’s Professional Framework for Digital Learning and to ensure that courses being offered to teachers align to the Framework. Whilst teachers are expected to complete professional development activities as part of their SACE registration, ideally these activit...

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Great news! Claim your SACE Continuing Professional Development Points for badges you’ve earned on the Microsoft Educator Community

Submitted by Megan Rademeyer All South African teachers are expected to keep a Professional Development Portfolio (PDP) as a personal record of their professional development journeys, and to achieve at least 150 South African Council of Educator Continuing Professional Teacher Development (CPTD) development points every three-year cycle. SchoolNet SA is an approved SACE professional development provider and has been accredited by SACE to award continuing professional development points for certain ac...

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