In The Loving Memory of Mr Saul Pila

Today we honour and remember our late colleague, Mr Saul Pila for his amazing work and contribution in the ICT in Education space as our #throwbackthursday. You may be gone but your hard work and dedication will forever live with us. Saul started on the e-learning journey with SchoolNet South Africa back in the early 2000s. Since then his engagement in Teacher Professional Development and Training, as well as with our hundreds of teachers throughout the country have been invaluable. His contribution to on...

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Impact Story: Mr Maweya

SchoolNet SA hosted the very first Finding and Using Science Resources Webinar using Adobe connect on the 28th of April 2020. The idea behind the lesson was to take teachers through an online classroom using PhET interactive simulations. The interactive simulations lesson was not greatly attended mainly due to data constraints however; teachers who attended followed through and enjoyed the lesson. The teacher who stood out during the lesson was Mr. Maweya from NM Tsuene High School, who was greatly excit...

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SchoolNet in top 3% of world SlideShare viewings 2013

One of the best free ways to upload presentations to the Internet is to use SlideShare. Recently SlideShare has been sending out impressive stats to its users and so we, at SchoolNet, were thrilled to see that in 2013 our SlideShare presentations were in the top 3% of SlideShare presentations viewed around the world.  Our SlideShare account consists mainly of presentations from our Conferences or our webinar programme. If you would like to look through our SlideShare collection please visit: http://ww...

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