Create beautiful word cloud shapes using

Tagxedo is a free, web-based word cloud creator. Word clouds are visual images made up of words from various sources. The interesting thing that sets Tagxedo apart from other word cloud creatores is that you can place your words into an interesting shape. You can also add colour and different fonts to the words.  The size of the text in the word cloud is dependant on how many times a particular word is added to the word cloud. My students love using Tagxedo. One of the advantages is that you are n...

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Try creating word clouds in your lessons using Tagxedo

The use of word clouds in the classroom is a good way to really get through to visual learners. A word cloud is a visual image of collection of words made up of words from various sources such as words that you add yourself, a website, a poem or story etc. The great thing about word clouds is that not only do students love using them, but they are eas and valuable y to use in a variety of content areas and grade levels. My favourite word cloud generator in the past has been Wordle, but today I used Tagxe...

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30 Days of Web tools: #6: Make Wordclouds using Wordle or Tagxedo

What are Wordclouds? Wordclouds are such fun to use in the classroom, especially when it comes to vocabulary building. Basically, using a wordcloud application one can transfer words into a cloud of interconnected words that can be arranged and used in different ways. Users can change the layout, color scheme, and fonts. Students love working with wordclouds. Two very popular free wordcloud webtools are Wordle and Tagxeedo, and I am going to explain each below plus give ideas of how ...

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