A second report back from MIE Tracy Heath on the Microsoft E2 Educator Exchange that took place in Hungary in March 2016

We featured Tracy Heath’s first report-back on the amazing Microsoft E2 Teacher Exchange that took place in Hungary in April in a post entitled ‘Learnings and Memories from the E2 Educator Exchange – Hack the Classroom, in Budapest, Hungary’ by Tracy Heath, a MIEExpert from South Africa’ However Tracy has so much to share that she has submitted a follow-up post entitled ‘The Gobal E2 Exchange – a time of unending learning’.  Tracy is a teache...

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‘Learnings and Memories from the E2 Educator Exchange- Hack the Classroom, in Budapest, Hungary’ by Tracy Heath, a MIEExpert from South Africa

This is a report back on the Microsoft Educator Exchange E2 event in Budapest from one of our South African MIEExperts Tracy Heath. Tracy is a teacher at Brescia House in Johannesburg “Being selected to go to Budapest was like waking up in a dream and living it! The most exciting memory for me is how excited all the teachers were about what they do. Teaching for these teachers is a passion and the passion for their kids was infectious and inspiring! Everyone was thrilled to be included in the E...

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