ISPA SuperTeacher Finalists recognized for outstanding uses of technology to enhance education

Ten teachers have been selected as finalists in the Internet Service Providers Association’s (ISPA) SuperTeacher Competition based on a project or lesson that showcases their skills in using digital tools to enhance classroom teaching. Anel Flack The following finalists, representing six different provinces, will travel to Johannesburg to be part of iWeek, the Internet industry conference and exhibition which is taking place at the Indaba hotel from 26 – 28 August 2019:  Louise Fu...

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KZN Subject Advisors master skills for using Tablets in the Classroom

SchoolNet SA has been running a programme of professional development courses aimed at upskilling KwaZulu-Natal Subject Advisors to support teachers to make better use of digital tools as teaching and learning resources. To date, the GET subject advisors group have completed the ICT Skills for Teachers and using Digital Resources in the Classroom courses. In this blogpost we describe the first group of Subject Advisors Tablets in the Classroom course which took place in Bergville between 17 and 21 Septem...

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Sustainable Development Goals – using digital tools to reach and teach them

Sustainable Development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs as well. The Sustainable Development Goals are seventeen interdependent goals which countries that are members of the United Nations aim to achieve by 2030. They include eliminating extreme poverty, reducing inequalities and combating the threat of climate change. Whilst the goals are ambitious, the more countries and people who share in a common vi...

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NTA Winners attend Innovation Leadership ICTs in Education Conference

As part of the 2018 National Teachers Awards, SchoolNet SA sponsored the three winning teachers in the ICT Enhanced Education category to attend an educational conference of their choice. All three winners chose to attend the inaugural event of the Innovation Leadership ICTs in Education conference which was held at St Dominic’s Priory in Port Elizabeth on 25 and 26 June 2018. Furthermore, as part of the Microsoft YouthSpark project, we sponsored an additional five teachers from under-resourced schools...

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KZN Subject Advisors get to grips with Using Digital Resources

Subject Advisors are tasked with helping teachers to deliver their content effectively, however many subject advisors last taught before digital resources were widely available at schools, or they support teachers at schools that are new to making use of online resources. In April and May 2018, The  KwaZulu-Natal Department of Education contracted SchoolNet SA to provide professional development to FET subject advisors so that they would be better equipped to support teachers to use digital resource...

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Integration of digital tools in KwaNdgenezi lessons

SchoolNet’s Hlengiwe Mfeka recently ran a workshop on Using in Digital Resources in the Classroom with teachers from twelve KwaNdgenezi schools, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Pinetown. Following the workshop, Hlengiwe visited each of the schools involved to observe lessons and to provide some additional support to teachers. Described below are some of the lessons that Hlengiwe observed. These lessons are good examples of how digital tools and content can be incorporated into lessons, even where t...

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Youth can build digital skills – for free

Tshepho 1 Million is giving hope to young unemployed people in Gauteng by providing them with a way to access skills and learning opportunities to prepare for the world of work. Whilst only young people in Gauteng can sign up for the Tshepo 1 Million job placement programme, youth from anywhere in South Africa can access online training through  #thintimillion is a cloud-based learner management system which Microsoft has made available to scale access to key digital skills tra...

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KwaNdengazi Teachers being supported by Rotary Pinetown

In a previous blogpost we reported on teachers from 12 schools in KwaNdengezi who received professional development in using digital resources sponsored by the Rotary Club of Pinetown. These professional development workshops took place in February 2018 and were intended to assist teachers to effectively integrate the use of curriculum-aligned digital content into their lessons. In March 2018, SchoolNet’s Hlengiwe Mfeka followed up with support visits to schools to see how teachers were int...

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Professional development for KwaNdengezi Teachers in Using Digital Resources

The Pinetown Rotary Club has invested in providing schools in the KwaNdgenezi area of KwaZulu-Natal with harddrives containing educational resources, but they also wanted to offer teachers from their focus schools professional development and support to ensure that the resources are used to their full potential. SchoolNet SA was engaged to provide a comprehensive professional development programme for teachers to build their skills, knowledge and confidence in using digital resources in their lessons. In...

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