Intel® Teach Essentials

Project Portfolios

The Project Portfolios resources include the Project Plan Template, sample Project Portfolio presentations, and sample Project Portfolios covering a range of grade / phase levels and subjects / learning areas. Each Project Portfolio is an exemplary sample containing many of the same pieces you will create for your own Project Portfolio. The list of Project Portfolios within each phase level includes the subject /learning area and has a direct link to the original Project Portfolio on the Intel® Designing Effective Projects website. Note that the original may not necessarily align with the South African curriculum.

The left navigation pane provides five subtopics:

  • Project Plan Template provides the Project Plan Template. You use a copy of the template throughout the course while you develop your Project Plan. The template is downloadable, so you may use it in the future when you create new projects.
  • Sample Presentations provides sample Project Portfolio presentations to review when you create your own presentation during Module 2: Planning My Project.
  • Foundation Phase Examples provides sample Foundation Phase Project Portfolios from the Designing Effective Projects website.
  • Intermediate Phase Examples provides sample Intermediate Phase Project Portfolios from the Designing Effective Projects website.
  • Senior Phase Examples provides sample Senior Phase Project Portfolios from the Designing Effective Projects website.
  • FET Phase Examples provides sample FET Phase Project Portfolios from the Designing Effective Projects website.



Intel® Teach Programme
Participant Version Sept08 (SA) | Essential Course