Commonwealth Certificate

Commonwealth Certificate

Commonwealth Certificate

Commonwealth of Learning Certificate for Teacher ICT Integration (CCTI)

Course and student community site at

The Commonwealth of Learning initially funded the redevelopment of the Educators’ Network distance learning qualification which SchoolNet has been offering as an Advanced Certificate in Education (ACE) through the University of KwaZulu-Natal.

The new qualification, the Commonwealth Certificate for Teacher ICT Integration (CCTI) is offered to all Ministries of Education and teacher training institutions in Commonwealth countries. Currently, it has been introduced in Trinidad and Tobago, The Bahamas and Antigua and Barbuda, Grenada and St Vincent and the Grenadines. Universities in Uganda and Kenya have also studied the CCTI programme.  SchoolNet has been involved with building local tutor capacity in some of these countries.

The CoL teacher development framework was aligned to the internationally recognised UNESCO ICT Competencies for Teachers and CCTI courses were well-mapped to the UNESCO competencies as well as the TPACK and SAMR models

In 2014 CoL funded a complete review of the CCTI content domain and the development of 9 courses, some of which are new and others revisions of original modules. The courses were placed into an online learning management system at

In addition, the 2017 publication of the South African Department of Basic Education’s Professional Development Framework for Digital Learning has meant that the CCTI is also aligned to the South African national framework.

CCTI Courses

SchoolNet is an accredited teacher development course provider with SACE. SACE Continuing Teacher Professional Development points are indicated in brackets.

  1. Professional Development with Technology (10 points)
  2. Designing Learning (20 points)
  3. Technology-Enriched Teaching (10 points)
  4. Education in a Digital Society (10 points)
  5. Innovative Approaches to Learning with Technology (12 points)
  6. Planning Learning Through Projects (10 points)
  7. Managing Technology-Rich Learning Spaces (10 points)
  8. Planning Technology Integration (10 points)
  9. Change Leadership in Schools (15 points)

SchoolNet South Africa is an incorporated Non Profit Company - Registration 2001/012244/08, NPO Number 030-817
and holds Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) Status, in terms of Section 30 of the Income Tax Act - PBO Number 130003557.

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