Competencies Framework

Competencies Framework

Competencies Framework

Since 2008 the DoE has published the Guidelines for Teacher Training and Professional Development in ICT. This forms the framework for current professional development initiatives in this country. Our courses, sponsored by Microsoft Partners in Learning and Intel Teach fit into this framework as follows:

Click here to see the one-page framework document.

Here is an abridged presentation showing how courses plot to the framework:

Click here for Powerpoint slide show (410kb)


Historically, the following describes the framework that SchoolNet SA developed and has been using since 2000 up to 2008:

Our programmes are based on this competency framework which we have been developing and adapting since 2000.

Typically educators could be found to be involved in ICT professional development activities catering for one or more of these broad bands of competencies, based on their experience and professional needs (recognising that these could be stages through which educators typically move, but that this is not always the case):

A No previous experience of professional development with ICT.
B Learning is focussed on the acquisition of ICT skills in personal contexts and in supporting existing practice in their roles as educators.
C Learning is focussed on using ICTs to enhance learners’ abilities within the curriculum and/or improve educators’ professional efficiency and create new opportunities within their sphere of work.
D Activity is focussed on introducing ICTs as an integral component of broader curricular and management reforms that are changing how learning and management practice occurs.

The transition, from an individual perspective, between these types of professional development activity is not always clear-cut and educators, being adult learners, could typically be involved in activities across several areas of the spectrum depending on their needs and interests.

SchoolNet South Africa is an incorporated Non Profit Company - Registration 2001/012244/08, NPO Number 030-817
and holds Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) Status, in terms of Section 30 of the Income Tax Act - PBO Number 130003557.

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